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basic motion中文是什么意思

用"basic motion"造句"basic motion"怎么读"basic motion" in a sentence


  • 基本动作


  • Certain machines use two or more of these basic motions in combination .
  • Mechanical motion is one of simple and basic motion
  • Then use your will to provide motion , same as with basic motion
  • Optimization of soccer robot ' s basic motion based on predictive fuzzy control
  • Bmt basic motion time
  • When you have learned basic motion , do not try anything too ambitious for a while
  • This is caused partly by habit and partly by the basic motion problem in general
  • The system controller is synthesized by the ideal formulation of the state , output , control variables on the basic motion and the pid regulator
  • The nonlinear motion of the flight quasi - steady state is as a basic motion to be analyzed and simplified to formula the ideal state , output and control variables , and to produce its linear model
  • At first , the thesis introduces the main specification of h . 263 recommendation , and in the following parts , illustrates the principle of the precision - improved dct algorithm , gives the compare results of the algorithm and the others . in the consequent chapter , the thesis presents the basic motion esti mation algorithm , then analyses the experiment results . at last , it forecasts the prospects of h . 263 recommendation research in the future
    本论文首先对实现ip电话系统所采用的h . 323协议的主要规范内容做了较详细的说明;在随后的章节中,介绍了改进的dct变换算法的原理,对该算法与其它变换算法的实验数据进行了比较;提出了新的基础性运动估计算法,对其原理进行了详细说明,通过分析实验数据,给出实验结论:最后,本文对h . 263未来的研究方向及市场应用前景进行了展望。
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